WWE fighters FORCED into social media moaning as Vince McMahon ignores concerns

WWE wrestlers have been left feeling as though social media is the only place they can be heard, with Vince McMahon rarely offering a listening ear.

As BenchWarmers, reported previously, the morale among those on the WWE roster is currently thought to be at an all-time low following the 2022 edition of the Royal Rumble.

WWE wrestlers feel as though McMahon focuses on the careers of just a handful, while the others are disregarded.

You’d think that the obvious answer would be for them to communicate their concerns to the WWE chief directly. However, that does not appear to be a viable option.

According to reports, the line of communication between McMahon and his fighters is near-enough non-existent at current.

It’s believed that some fighters have been left feeling as though the only plausible way for their voices to be heard is for them to take to social media and complain.

It’s a sorry state of affairs and one which McMahon needs to address as soon as possible – before this escalates into a crisis.