Why Conor McGregor is in the Best Shape Ever he has Been in for UFC257

Conor McGregor’s coach Colin Byrne was talking to The Mirror about his ten week training camp in Portugal and how his in the best shape of his life and ready to go for UFC257

“His stats are the best they’ve ever been, that’s no word of a lie and the reason for that is consistency,”

“After the Cowboy fight he wanted a season of fights but that didn’t happen, but he didn’t stop training so myself and Julian [Dalby] have been with him all year ready to go. When we got a fight we just ramped it up a bit, but he was always ticking over and building on his last training camp.

“The problem in MMA is that people have a fight, they stop, they do nothing, then they get back in for eight or 12 weeks, get super fit then get super unfit. It’s not good for them but it also doesn’t lend itself to building on their previous training.

“With Conor, we built on the foundations; people are saying he looks different body-wise, and that’s because we’ve been at it for five years now.

“We haven’t trained for an aesthetic, he just looks like that from training because he’s training constantly and consistently.”