WATCH: ‘Keep playing defence man!’ Will Ferrell makes fun of Jose Mourinho

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Will Ferrell used an acceptance speech at the GQ Style Awards this week to have a tongue-in-cheek swipe at Jose Mourinho’s tactical management.

The American comedian was being presented with the Comedian of the Year prize, while Mourinho was there to be presented with the GQ Editor’s Special Award.

Ferrell took his chance to tell the Blues boss what he thought of his style of play.

“Jose Mourinho, keep playing defence man!” he yelled from the stage.

“Keep playing seven guys in the box, I love it!”

The Anchorman star is well known to be a huge Chelsea fan, so we think he meant it in the nicest possible way.

No word yet on how Mourinho reacted to the comments.

“I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I’m very important.”

H/T: Le Buzz

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