🚨Fans point out why the UFC will never be better than the WWF was .. 🔥

One twitter user has taken to their account to point out just how good WWE was back in the day .. And says how he might pay for UFC if it provided a little bit more .. See the video and comments below ..

MORE HERE: 🚨Fans think they’ve worked out what Pep Guardiola was saying to Gealish post match .. 😬

The day the UFC does this, I’ll buy a PPV. Sounds like a plan to me!

You can go to porn hub and see boobs for free anytime you want

Shirtless wmma gonna do Conor numbers every time
Yea exactly the kinda guy who would buy OF
I thought she got fired and Jerry left the WWE for awhile after this
UFC viewership when a WMMA topless bout 📈📈📈

There seriously needs to be an organization that combines both worlds