🚨Awful News has been announced about Conor McGregor this morning, sad to see this

The former two time UFC Champion Conor McGregor has had his hands involved in a lot of different projects/business since stepping away from the Octagon or taking a break from it. One of them is his pride and joy The Black Forge Inn in Dublin.

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The pub in Dublin’s Crumlin made a €432,000 loss last year, according to newly-filed accounts for Jemi Ventures, the company behind the watering hole.

That comes on top of a €1.13m loss the pub made in 2021, when its opening remained severely restricted due to the pandemic. Its accumulated losses stood at more than €2m at the end of last year.

The pub and restaurant, which employs about 50 people, Never nice to hear things like this, hopefully McGregor can turn it around.