🚨 Tony Bellew rips into John Fury after Tyson Fury’s dad threatens to headbutt him

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Tony Bellew hasn’t held back in response to John Fury’s threats.

Tyson Fury’s dad, made headlines this week by headbutting Usyk team member, Stanislav Stepchuk, but then bizarrely took aim at Tony Bellew.

“You see Tony Bellew? He will get a headbutt like [Stepchuk] just got if he comes around me,” he told the media in reference to Bellew recently picking Usyk to beat Fury.

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Speaking to talkSPORT, the former Cruiserweight champion responded.

He said: “No one is going to headbutt me, full stop. I’ve made my predictions that’s what I’m paid to do,” said Bellew.

“I don’t fear no man and no man is going to put it on me. Understand this, for every action, there is a reaction.

“It was very bizarre watching that yesterday because there’s one guy going head to head with him that is the same size and he didn’t feel like headbutting him.

“But he felt the need to headbutt the child in the group which I found quite disturbing to be honest.”

“It’s embarrassing, if my father behaved like that at a press conference I would pull him and tell him.

“It can’t be happening, it’s a really bad look for boxing.

“I’m actually surprised it’s been allowed to go on and happen but it is what it is. He’s a walking, talking liability.”

“I don’t need to call out John Fury, I’ve achieved more in 60 seconds of my boxing career than John Fury has in his life.”

“He could not even be spoken about in the same breath as me.

More Stories Boxing John Fury Oleksandr Usyk Tony Bellew Tyson Fury


  1. Well said Tony.John Fury is a bully and a coward.He is an embarrassment to his son.

  2. John is like a good mature cheese. The older he gets, the more he stinks. Eventually, no one will be able to stomach him, not even his own family!

  3. Nice one Tony, you’re more of a man than John Fury will ever be, he’s a proper weapon and his name shouldn’t be mentioned ever again. He’s an embarrassing specimen that lays at the bottom of a cesspit.

  4. Well said Tony, the Fury’s are like a travelling circus and are a embarrassment for our country

  5. Well said Tony as you said he pick the smallest fellow there the good thing was the kid didn’t flich he such an dick are as his son says he’s a tosser lol

  6. John fury is a rude and talks better then his actions I have never seen a man head butt someone and come of worse be quite old man and leave it too the kids .Only one Tyson and a hundred johns .respect to Tony Bellew.well said

  7. Well it’s obv they come from a field fulla cow muck in a 2 b earth rust bucket, no wonder they talk so much crap and think there kings of the world, haha,
    Just a joke, and you’ve your mark on this world tony, only mark John has made is a skid mark down his face from not being able to do a thing to a kid with a sly head butt who’s 10 stone lighter, the man is a JOKE

  8. The sooner the Fury’s are off the scene the better! Tony Bellew is a credit to the sport unlike those *******.

    1. I agree. John Fury is a loud mouth want to be. We are Spartans I cringe when he says that. I personally think he is jealous of his sons abilities and major success, that’s why he creates a scene most of the time so the limelight on him and only him. BULLY, should be banned.

  9. Well said Tony
    The guy ain’t worth wasting any ones breath on
    Should of been sent back to his caravan in England

  10. You say it how it is Tony. Fury,s dads an idiot and a bully. I’m sure Tyson fury is ashamed of his dad’s outburst. I would be

  11. I like Tyson, and maybe that wasn’t his best fight, His dad on the other is a total idiot, and thinks he his Tyson fury, not someone call John fury,
    Tony’s comments where well in his rights , well said Tony 👏

  12. John fury is nut case .he should not be involved in tysons fights at all .Because of his silly behavior. he has turned people against tyson .Embarrassing old man with a very big crude mouth. should never come to any fight he is a nuisance and idiot

  13. John fury, what can you say he’s a very sad thing, he’s just like every other bully but in this case he knows he has is son Tyson behind him, which makes him a total coward, if he wants to be a proper man then pick on some one who is a challenge to him??
    If he was my father I would be totally ashamed of him.
    Get back in your box John, when are you going to except your a nobody, your a total embarrassment to yourself & your family😫😫

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