The Oireachtas Sport Committee is meeting a corporate governance expert for guidance this afternoon, ahead of questioning former FAI CEO John Delaney.
He will appear before TDs and Senators tomorrow to answer questions on a €100,000 “bridging” loan he gave the FAI in 2017.
The President of the FAI Donal Conway admits the organisation breached rules for getting State funding by not telling Sport Ireland about the loan.
The FAI says recent comments it made did not accurately reflect the Board’s level of awareness about the issue in 2017.
Committee chair Fergus O’Dowd says members will focus on governance at the FAI.
“Well, that’s what our committee is about. To go into all of the issues in relation to the governance of the FAI,” said Mr O’Dowd.
“In relation to the €100,000 payment – the governance issues around that – and the knowledge that the board had or didn’t have of that information.
“It will be a fair, it will be a frank, it will be obviously a very robust debate.”