On this weeks BenchCast we sit down and talk to the former president of the GAA Sean Kelly. Sean is currently a Member of the European Parliament but will largely be remembered for getting rid of Rule 42 in the Gaelic Athletic Association. This allowed foreign games(Rugby & Soccer) to be played at Croke Park. It was a decision that caused huge controversy all around the country at the time, but in the end it was the right decision was made for the GAA to open its gates.
Sean comes from Killarney in country Kerry and is still the only President of the GAA to come from Kerry. In his time as the President of the GAA he made it possible for the club player to have his/her day out at Croke Park. By making the Junior, Intermediate or Senior club games go all the way and not just stop at becoming county Champions. He also saw the completion of the Croke Park hotel and the Stadium itself.
Sean can look back on his time as President with pride and we thank him for taking the time out and coming on the show and we wish him all the best in his future with politics.