🚨Prominent Irish journalist labelled a national DISGRACE after shocking treatment of the Irish team

What a cracking weekend of rugby that was and full credit to the Irish team, the pride they have filed the people of Ireland with has been something special. Sadly for Ireland they came up just short, but not sadly for Ewan MacKenna who has quite frankly been a disgrace over the weekend with the hatred and the tweets that he has been directing at the Irish team.

There might have been a time when rugby was a game only played by the upper class and the fee paying schools. But tell that to Tadgh Furlong from Wexford, tell that to Sean O’Brien from Tullow in county Carlow, tell that to Keith Earls from Moyross in Limerick city.

Whether some people like it to admit it now or not, rugby is a game that everyone can play and enjoy across the island of Ireland. So please stop with the utter rubbish Ewan MacKenna, see some of his tweets below, think this guy needs to seek help or something, not sure what he’s trying to achieve..