Club rugby player Darryl Adams in Wales has got behind a campaign to get rid of dog fouling as a number of years ago he suffered an awful injury and was hospitalised after a player stood on his legs with his studs and the studs had dog waste on them.
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The 50 year old is quoted as saying;
“I ended up having a week in hospital and the doctor who treated me said that once you get cellulitis, all it takes is something small to trigger it off again.
“The infection flared up twice between 2005 and 2013 – the last flare up in 2013 was the worst.”
“All it took was heavy flu to trigger it and I was hospitalised for two weeks because the infection had tracked into my veins,” Darryl Adams added.
“Ever since then my leg has never been right, it is constantly swollen and looks awful – all from some selfish person who couldn’t be bothered to pick up after their dog.”