Roy Keane on fans asking for selfies/autographs is brilliant

The former Ireland and Manchester United captain can’t understand why fans – especially those who support rivals of United – want a photo with him.

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“Being in the public eye, I detest it, I hate it,” Keane told Neville, “There’s nothing worse than people coming up to you but listen, people can be polite too. However, sticking a phone into your face or following you with a camera is not on.

“If you said no to their request, people would then think you’re rude. I’d be going, ‘I’m the rude one?!?! You’re coming up to me with a phone?’ There are really good fans – I bumped into a United fan who showed me his tattoo and he just said, ‘alright’ and walked on. I was thinking, that’s a proper fan. People who invade your privacy with a phone or jersey, I think they’re just annoying.”

“I think the people who respect you leave you alone,” he added. “If I saw Bob Dylan walking down the street with his guitar, I’d probably say, ‘alright Bob’ and let him walk by. I wouldn’t jump in his face and ask for an autograph.”

Never change Roy.