Referee charged with ‘Improper conduct’ by FA after squaring up to Ireland’s Alan Judge

Referee Darren Drysdale has landed himself in hot water after he squared up to Ipswich and Irish midfielder Alan Judge during the Tuesday night League One clash between Ipswich and Northampton Town.

Alan Judge went down inside the Northampton Town box and was protesting that he deserved a penalty but Drysdale was having none of it as he aggressively squared up to Judge before booking him for simulation.

See the video of the incident here: Referee causes controversy after squaring up to Ipswich player in League One.

While Judge was protesting Drysdale made a very aggressive motion towards him and it has been investigated already with the BBC reporting that the 49 year old referee has been charged with ‘Imporper conduct’.

Drysdale has already released an apology and reasoning behind his actions.

“I can only apologise to Alan and Ipswich Town,”

“I fully understand it is important for us as referees to maintain our composure throughout the game and always engage with players in a professional manner.

“I’m sorry that I did not do that.”

The referee has until March 4th to appeal the decision