🚨Pat McDonagh fires a nice little jibe at the GAA in what’s been a tough week .. 😬

The owner of Supermac’s Pat McDonagh was speaking to the media yesterday after their dispute with the GAA over a harmless April fools day joke .. The Galway native said;

‘a storm in a teacup’.

“It went out on April 1 so everyone knew it was going to be an April Fools joke but unfortunately the headquarters of the GAA didn’t like it.

“On the bank holiday Monday, META took down our Facebook etc… at the end of the day it’s a storm in a teacup and I’m just surprised at how sensitive they were to get their legal team to contact META on a bank holiday Monday.”

In fairness McDonagh does have a point, should the GAA should have not just contacted Supermac’s instead of them trying to take down their account? Surely that would be a better approach ..