For hundreds of young Irish people the J1 is a six week summertime ticket to paradise.
For €1,200 you can buy a ticket and a VISA which buys you six weeks in America that you’ll never forget.
The thing is, not all J1 trips are as magical and mind-blowing as all the YouTube montage videos would have you believe and one man has documented the highs and lows of the J1 experience perfectly.
Peter Cotter is a Kerryman who “Wanted to try something a little different and show another side to the ‘perfect’ Summer.” and so he did in his amazing video titled simply as ‘THE JI’.
“After coming home from our J1 in San Diego we wanted to capture the memories like most J1ers do by making a video montage. I wanted to try something a little different and show another side to the ‘perfect’ Summer. This video will hopefully give you an idea of the full J1 experience.” said Cotter.
Watch the full version here: