Linfield Supporter involved in Michaela McAreavey has a dark history

More details are continuing to emerge of the sick video that has been circulating of the Lingfield supporters chanting about the death of Michaela McAreavey the daughter of former Tyrone football manager Mickey Harte.

It was a dark day for the orange order and the Lingfield supporters to see this absolutely disgusting video circulating on social media.

You’d really have to wonder what type of people are these to make light of such a tragic event.

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The loyalist who filmed the sectarian sing-song mocking the murder of Michaela McAreavey has a conviction for possessing a firearm.

Rifle-wielding Andrew McDade was given 100 hours community service for having the weapon without a certificate, with a judge warning he was lucky not to be jailed.

Details about the shamed 50-year-old’s criminality emerged after he told Sunday Life he would be resigning from the Orange Order.