Conor McGregor gives up with Manchester United after shocking season

Conor McGregor announced a bizarre change of football allegiances ahead of last night’s Champions League final.

McGregor, who is a well-established football fan, has continually revealed his affection for Manchester United and has been pictured multiple times on Instagram wearing the red of the Red Devils.

Perhaps this season was too much to endure for the UFC superstar, because speaking to the press ahead of last night’s Champions League final, McGregor revealed he’s switched allegiances.

He’s quoted by The Sun saying, “My family are Liverpool. I am a supporter of Liverpool. I am a supporter of Real Madrid also. Again, I hope for a great game. But I have to go for the ‘Pool for this one.”

Conor McGregor (pictured) appears to have given up with Manchester United

We’re not entirely sure where this has come from, with McGregor never before revealing any affiliation with Liverpool and his Man United background suggesting the complete opposite.

We’ve learnt not to question these things with Conor, however. He often ties himself in knots with what he says publicly, so it’s sometimes best just to smile and nod along to what he’s saying.