Louder Than A Kiss Concert With €16.5 Million On The Line | BenchWarmers

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The atmosphere is louder than a Kiss concert with €16.5 million on the line! That’s just a taste of what was on offer for the winners of Dota 2, in their record-breaking eSports competition.

To say eSports is growing is the ultimate understatement. It’s already huge! That’s according German eSports journalist Dorian Gorr who sometimes suffers double jet lag as he travels the world reporting on the world’s biggest gaming competitions.

Gorr, the former heavy metal correspondent, joined BenchWarmers’ reporter Dave O’Grady to squash that stereotype of professional gamer’s being nerdy overweight lazy guys who sit in their room and never see the light of day!

The interview took place in New York last March during the FIFA Interactive World Cup where football is making huge strides into the world of eSports!


More Stories 16.5 million dave o'grady dorian gorr dota 2 esports fifa interactive world cup fiwc