🚨More Shocking News Coming out of the Kyle Hayes trail in Limerick, Christ this is bad 🤬

The former hurler of the year Kyle Hayes has been charged with two counts of violent conduct. Very disappointing from the talented 25 year old hurler from Limerick.

MORE HERE: 🚨Conor McGregor goes to war with Joe Brolly, The Notorious just can’t stay away, things are getting ugly!


Hopefully the Gaa have a good look at this and deal with this sort of behaviour going forward

Didn’t Guards see him causing harm? Two fingers to their evidence…jury did this man no favours… this behaviour did not come from no where & if he repeats it, and could kill someone, how will they feel. Appropriate consequences often saves lives

They will not suspend him. He is great gaa pedigree. He is above the law do u not know that.

The country is watching this very closely