LeBron James snaps back at Zlatan Ibrahimovic with LeBron saying he does his “homework”

LeBron James has snapped back at legendary Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic after the AC Milan striker made a comment telling LeBron to stay out of politics and “do what you’re good at doing” reports the Evening Standard.

LeBron has used his massive planform as a legendary NBA player and role model to millions of Americans to highlight issues of racial injustice and Police brutality in the United States.

The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Portland Trailblazers last night in a score of 102-93 with LeBron speaking to reporters after the win. He told them that

“I will never shut up about things that are wrong. I preach about my people and I preach about equality, social justice, racism, voter suppression – things that go on in our community,”

This seemed like a vague response to Zlatan before he went into more detail towards the Swedish striker stating –

“I’ll use my platform to continue to shed light on everything that’s going on around this country and around the world. There’s no way I would ever just stick to sports, because I understand how powerful this platform and my voice is.”

James then proved that he had done his homework on Zlatan as he brought up comments made in 2018 about possible ‘undercover racism’ towards Ibra from Swedish media.

“He’s the guy who said in Sweden, he was talking about the same things, because his last name wasn’t a (traditional Swedish) last name, he felt like there was some racism going on,”

“I speak from a very educated mind. I’m kind of the wrong guy to actually go at, because I do my homework.”

Quotes courtesy of the Evening Standard