Jamie Carragher Opens Up About the Famous Spitting Incident

The former Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher has opened up about the famous spitting incident that saw him suspended from his job at Sky Sports a number of years ago. Carragher was talking on Gary Neville’s the Overlap and said;

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“Coming home from Old Trafford and then when I lost my job at Sky – I’m someone who’s quite on the front foot, if someone attacks me.

“But that knocked me for six months. For a good six months I wasn’t myself. I’d get up in the morning and just have that pain in my stomach, oh that did happen.

“I went to see Steve Peters [a psychologist] after it. I felt really bad, embarrassed, my family, my mum or dad. And the kids.

“I remember getting back to the house that night when I’d been at Sky. I haven’t seen the kids, they’re at school, and you just get back and we all sat together and it was tough.

“Even though we’re in the public eye, we’re not the royals, Beckham, big stars. You read them on the front page. When it’s you, everywhere I went it felt like people were looking at me.”

“It’d come back to me, but it was done. I owned it. I didn’t blame anyone else. I accepted it. I took my medicine.

“Whatever s*** is thrown at me I’ll take it. And that’s the way I was as a player.”