The man in the middle James Owens is coming under serious fire for how he handled one of the penalties in the Waterford vs Tipperary game at Walsh Park on Sunday ..
See some of the commenatry below ..
How this wasn’t retaken is beyond belief! What was he doing??
— Michael Verney (@mlverney) May 4, 2024
Ah come on Michael, it’s more off putting for the player hitting the ball to see someone running across his line surely. Scandalous from Owens all the same.
Just another reference was James Owens is a terrible ref. He’s after 2 horror shows in a row
How in the name of Dickie Murphy has this goal been allowed to stand. At the point of the ball being struck, he’s standing between it and the goalkeeper. Absolutely ludicrous #GAA
— Derrick Lynch (@DLynchSport) May 4, 2024
Watching with my Scottish brother in law, he’s like, what’s the referee doing? I didn’t see it at first viewing. How the keeper stayed calm is beyond me
He may as well have stood in the goal! Running across Bennetts line when he was mid strike and then blocked half the goal!
Ladies and gentlemen…. James Owens
— Shane Lorigan (@ShaneLorigan) May 4, 2024
Penalty can’t be taken before the whistle is blown, surely he doesn’t blow the whistle before he’s in position?
I don’t hear a whistle, should have been retakenHe also put Bennett off as he was mid strike yes? I think the impact on that goalie was minimal. Worse for someone mid strike to see someone running across surely!