The Wigan and Irish player Jame McClean comes in for and has been coming in for his fair share to stick for his beliefs and his nationality by fans, the media etc.. The 33 year old took to his Instagram today to post a picture of him in the Irish jersey and the caption … this is the crime of which we stand accused “ 🇮🇪
The Derry winger will come in for his fair share of stick next month, no doubt about it, with the Poppy season and the Irish man refusing to wear it. While it might stand for one thing in the UK, it stands for a different thing if your a republican in the North of Ireland.
Whether you like him or hate him, you have to respect James McClean’s beliefs and what he stands for, the North of Ireland is a very unique place..
The only positive thing about James McLean I can think of is, he’s nearing the end if his average footballing career and will go back to Ireland and live out his small town mentality of living in the past.
So by not wearing a poppy, he’s living in the past? What an ignorant buffoon you are.
It’s not a question of him being ignorant. I am not with him in his views,however can one not just wish that he would show some tolerance.
Many of us accommodate other people’s views in the interest of living together. The poppy is to remember the man/woman not the politics.
The men and women who died in a ll wars that Britain engaged in ..And not just WW1 and WW1
Ww2 you mean.
Not true. The poppy was designed for WW1 an 2. The populist press and right wing agenda has forced the suggestion it’s for all servicemen in anything they do. Fact
If you are from NI it is most definitely about politics. Unfortunately, it is fast becoming that way in England too. He chooses not to wear a poppy for very valid and personal reasons. That does not mean that he doesn’t respect those who died.
More a case of he’s a hate filled terrorist sympathising cunt
And you are??
Go fuck yourself bill jimmy mc clean legend up the Irish
Isn’t that what the UK is ramming down our throats each year? You know living in the past? 🤔
Says a man who’s done fuck all his entire life…
Educate yourself you stupid man, you cannot be selective about stamping out abuse, he has been singled out for over a decade. The English are brilliant at completely ignoring the long term affects of colonialism & imperialism . And then wonder why they are reviled throughout the globe. Condescending, self righteous and arrogant across the boy. Thankfully not going unnoticed anymore. Shut up you fool .
So if he hates the English so much , why live and work there, Hey the famine is over go the hell home.
Give Ireland back and take the loyalists with you??
Who cares. Bitter to the core. But he should get lost back to Ireland
There was no Famine in Ireland. The proper term is genocide. Know your History
He has never once stated he hates the ordinary English man or woman. Many Irish men lost their life in the World Wars due to lies and empty promises. Being someone from Derry would you wear a symbol which represents some of those who were responsible for the massacre of innocent men and children during a Civil Right March in your hometown, a massacre which sent shock waves through the generations which followed… The Famine comment was in pretty bad taste as approx. 1 million men, woman and children died, their only crime was being an Irish Catholic.
Says ‘Mick Murray’ with his Irish name. Twat.
You thick idiot, Northern Ireland vote to be who thay are, its the colonialist dictators trying to force through a dictatorship by the gun.
The English carved out this planet,If it was not for us Brits most of the planet would still be living in caves,Rule Britania.
Well ain’t that the dumbest comment. Have you heard of the Romans
The poppy represents the mass murder, rape and robbery of nations by the British empire, how about anyone calling for it to be respected have some respect for the hundreds, thousends, or millions of people, families and nations that where tortured in the name of that poppy….. wear it as part of your culture and heritage but dont expect blind colonial obidience. Life is life, people are people, you wear a poppy, i say up the Ra. It doesnt make us any less human or people that can live side by side. But its funny my words bring more cowardise out in you than a poppy full of murder can give you back. While I stand proud and silently respectful of myself & others, you bitch with cowardise and the fear of individual differences of history….. if i murdered/tortured your family & friends could i count on you to celebrate it yearly with me??
Bill McGill, well its better than living in your small minded head
So He’s the one with the small town mentality? Riiiight.
You’d want to learn a bit of history pal, you know nothing about his or his family’s circumstances.
What a tit you are.
Are you not living in the past wearing a poppy?? 🤔🤔 what a stupid comment!
Pity the British educational system don’t teach the true history of the atrocities they inflicted on the Irish people over the last 800 years.
It may be helpful to u to read up on it before making stupid ill informed comments.
Living in the past?????? Sure isn’t that what ye do every year when ye wear the bloodstained poppy. Remembering all your soldiers that died during your colonisation, James McClean is a legend the way he stands up for his beliefs. He has to listen to all your sectarian bullshit every week.
I’m a very proud Irishman and I understand his feelings completely, my only issue is all the Irish men who fought during the wars and sacrificed themselves wether by choice or not let’s not forget them , also if his republican feelings are this strong why does he ply his trade in the UK and pay taxes there , I’m sure he could play professional football in Ireland !
He played football in Ireland for institute & Derry City, the currency & Taxman are the same as sunderland Stoke Wigan, he ply’s there because he’s a higher grade of footballer, his Republican/political beliefs shouldn’t be held against any footballer globally
100% agree, someone with some common sense. If he hates the things the English stand for stay clear and live a happy life in Ireland. He plays in the English league and takes the kings shilling, can’t hate the English that much or he would have gone long ago. For me if he plays for an English team wear the poppy, others had, it didn’t burn a hole in their chest.
So if you live in England you are forced to wear the poppy? Also I’m pretty sure he doesn’t hate the English or whatever but rather British Imperialism, learn the distinction.
Totally agree. If his family abused etc pack up go back. No as life is better here obviously
And he also pays his taxes to the English Crown. Do you? Or do you get your benefits from his wage and taxes paid?
You haven’t got a clue you tube, he’s from the North of ireland the city of Derry, a nation of the UK. A city where the paracute regiment murdered 13 innocent civilians, members of families he knows.what kind of a hypocrite would he be if he wore a poppy. the poppy doesn’t just remember soldiers who fought or died in the two world wars it remembers and represents all who served then and now.. he has explained this all would you wear your poppy to show your respect to a pack of murderer’s who shot and killed member’s of families you were brought up with.. the government have apologised in parliament for the murders saying they were unjustified and unjustifiable. did you happen to miss that broadcast. You should hope to be as honourable as James..
Coockoo land you live in m8, the soldiers were returning fire after seeing there m8s killed by cowards hiding amongst protesters. Soldiers who went there to stop you murdering each other, with your bigotry, the UK doesn’t want the shit hole of a country.
Well why don’t they leave then and bring there planters with them? If ur going to talk about something no matter ur view at least have some clue on the subject
You’re obviously mentally deficient. There were no Paras killed on Bloody Sunday, nor were any injuries sustained by them
This wasn’t the first time the regiment had opened fire on unarmed civilians either
Before you start your jingoistic p!sh. I did 2 OP Banners when serving
Dont be so simplistically idiotic, seriously how do you not hurt yourself getting out of bed every morning. He, just like I and like the respectful Irish people we are to accept all people regardless of believes, have no problem with English or British people, but the murderous colonial government and monarch that starved, raped, murdered and robed us throughout hundreds of years does not need to be a badge of honour we need to share. Its a shitty poppy who gives a fck if its worn or not by people who arent British. Its your proud murder, robbery and rape filled badge of history honour to wear. Is Britain so lost it cant fill its own poppy support numbers that it needs the Irish to prop the numbers up to make it seem relevant to the world
No fooker here wants your shit hole of a country, if you didn’t all hate each other you might be able to unite Ireland and we can be well rid, but no instead of coming together, you kill each other and blame everyone else for you killing each other.
Dumb and Dumber well if you didn’t respect each other with guns and bombs we might get somewhere.
He has never once said he hates the English. When Matic said he wasn’t wearing the Poppy he was applauded for his stance but when McClean done it. It is terrible. It’s OK to not wear a poppy if the UN bombed your home town but not OK not to wear it if the Para’s murdered 13 innocent people in your home town
You don’t sound very smart.
His stance has nothing to do with making a living in the UK or hating people in the UK. He’s never said he hates British people or anything. All he is saying is he doesn’t feel comfortable wearing a symbol that represents the innocent deaths of civilians at the hands of British soldiers in the north.
It would be like asking the Protestant community in the North to sing Irish rebel songs (not something I would expect them to do). Think about it from a different perspective and maybe we might make some progress here.
Also this whole sectarian problem is a mainly British problem created by the British and is most prevalent in The UK. Maybe they should stop pointing fingers at James and a bunch of girls and try to sort out the obvious issues that still exist in a very divided UK. The sectarian divisions across the UK are a big problem that the British government need to invest in solving. Maybe start by stopping the yearly marches and bonfires up the North. These are state approved sponsoring of bigotry. Again I doubt they would let the Nationalist community up there March thru unionist community street singing rebel songs and waving the Irish flag (again I wouldn’t expect those communities to have to put up with it). This just highlights the the catholic community across the UK are still treated as second class citizens and not treated equally. That’s where this all started.
You are correct. So he should severe ties with uk surely. Or like a lot of irish people in uk continue with life. I was born in galway and I am happy with my friends who I made here. Age of 3 I came here. Fuck the bigots on both sides.
He actually stated himself if the poppy only represented WW1 and WW2 then he wouldn’t have a problem it’s the army post that that he doesn’t want to pay homage to..and with good reason
it’s of you 🤡
Says more about your ability to think than James mcCleans.
Wow Bill, suppose we all can’t have morals and standards like James does! I’m sure you would be forgiving of those who killed your family members.
It’s about time he kept his mouth shut abt his sectarian beliefs and let sleeping dogs lie
If he doesn’t believe in wearing the poppy for those who died defending the UK then that’s his choice.
But stop throwing his beliefs on others he is just a typical IRA SHIT STIRRER
He’s entitled to his opinion, as are those who disagree with him.
All Irishmen who fought and died in the World Wars were volunteers. There was no conscription in Ireland. Remember that.
Most of them went because there was no work for them in Ireland. And in order to support their families. The Germans told them in 1916 go home they’re killing your wives and children.
If it wasn’t for Michael and co in the first place casting the 6 counties aside so they could have their wee Republic, James could wear his poppy with pride.
Hate him personally self opinionated prick
Less than average footballer and when he opens his mouth its full of shit.
Sooner he retires the better gir everyone then he can go back to his beloved country and pester them poor bastards with his whinging.
On about his son saying this and that we’ll if he shut up his son poor kid wouldn’t have to listen to the abuse he alledgley gets
So what is it you hate about him. Maybe he’s too honourable for you is that it. Or is it that he tells the truth. And by the way hes in his own country, the UK. Why should he show his respect by wearing a poppy for the murdering paracute regiment who shot and killed 13 innocent civilians in his home town of Derry ..members of families he knows.. do you want him to be a hypocrite like yourself ..its you who shut up prick
He loves the British pound.
You haven’t got a clue you tube, he’s from the North of ireland the city of Derry, a nation of the UK. A city where the paracute regiment murdered 13 innocent civilians, members of families he knows.what kind of a hypocrite would he be if he wore a poppy. the poppy doesn’t just remember soldiers who fought or died in the two world wars it remembers and represents all who served then and now.. he has explained this all would you wear your poppy to show your respect to a pack of murderer’s who shot and killed member’s of families you were brought up with.. the government have apologised in parliament for the murders saying they were unjustified and unjustifiable. did you happen to miss that broadcast. You should hope to be as honourable as James..
The North of Ireland is Donegal. You are referring to Northern Ireland. It’s a country. That’s it’s name. Don’t drink the Sinn Fein juice
Disband the poppy , trying to make an Irish man wear that is 100 times worse than the Irish singing songs or disrupting a minute’s silence. Trying to make an Irishman wear a puppy is like trying to take the Jews to celebrate Hitler , infact it’s worse
Let us Irish celebrate our dead the same way then? We have dead who went out fought the British and died but we can remember them? We didn’t go out and rape your ppl all BC they were English? Maybe some group should… Na wait the British are now doing to their own ppl that what they put every other people on the earth through… There isn’t a week goes by some country don’t celebrate breaking away and having freedom from England…. If England was not on the map the world would be by far a better place
Are you seriously asking James to show tolerance when his choice to simply not wear the poppy is not only “not tolerated” but he is racially abused and constantly hounded for that choice. Remember where James was born and brought up and how British soldiers murdered his people at Ballymurphy and Derry. It would be a nark of disrespect for his own people if he chose to wear the bloodstained poppy.
He doesn’t hate the English you fuckwitted moron, he is proud to be Irish and the dimwitted English hate him for that. Now before you lose your shit from out of your skull, dimwitted English is exactly that the dimwitted ones (which includes you) not all as there are some decent English people of which you are not one you biggoted donkeys abyss
So he’s in the ira because he’s Irish does that mean everyone who puts a poppy on is in the British army mmmmmm
As a Irish man,I think a few facts need to be told.the poppy is not a symbol of hate but remembers the death of soldiers in the world war.thousands of Irish men died fighting for the British army in those a Irish man living in England I respect the traditions of the country be it symbols queen or whatever.james McClean is British and needs to cop on
He is from derry who are still in bandage and a place were the people were murdered by the brittish army and there patsy the loyalist thugs
This mass murder and rape you speak of?
Enlighten me?
I studied British and Irish history AND there’s definitely a lot of wrong doing BUT this SHITE you are typing suggests you are following a very 20th century made up narrative to help you vent your spleen at your “invaders”?
The Gael, Vikings, Norman, Scots and English have been doing what they want in Ireland since forever but your getting super offended now because you’ve an iPhone and all 12 fingers🤫
Peacefully too as it will be a united country then💚🇮🇪🇮🇪
Unfortunately, because of the bigotry that he faces every day he has to live WITH the past.
Well done James 👏
All the silly people that go on about the Paras killing 13…what about all the innocent people blown up by the IRA?
And how long do you think an English man would last if he went in a Northern Irish pub and started spouting a lecture about the IRA, common sence says Stfu, and that’s what he should do if he doesn’t want to become a target.
Concentrate on the now and the future James, pick up your pay cheques paid to you by the English, shut up and do your job.
Why will he not condemn the IRA when they are responsible for more Irish Catholic murders than anyone else ??
Nationality is responsible for James’s brainwashing.
You’re obviously mentally deficient. There were no Paras killed on Bloody Sunday, nor were any injuries sustained by them
This wasn’t the first time the regiment had opened fire on unarmed civilians either
Before you start your jingoistic p!sh. I did 2 OP Banners when serving
Learn you’re history