Instagram Will Take No Further Action Over Abuse Thrown at Shane Duffy

The Irish and Derry central defender has been subjective to sectarian abuse on Instagram and according to Sky Sports Instagram have deemed this abuse as an isolated incident.

Last month Shane Duffy was sent sectarian and abusive messages.

The 29-year-old shared a screenshot of the messages, which contained sectarian insults and expletives, and mocked the death of his father last year. “There’s abuse which is fine but surely there’s a limit.”

Who are these people you’d really have to wonder?

In mid-February Instagram announced stricter rules around racist and discriminatory abuse on their platform.

“Our rules against hate speech don’t tolerate attacks on people based on their protected characteristics, including race or religion,” a statement read.

“We strengthened these rules last year, banning more implicit forms of hate speech, like content depicting Blackface and common antisemitic tropes. We take action whenever we become aware of hate speech, and we’re continuously improving our detection tools so we can find it faster.

“Between July and September of last year, we took action on 6.5m pieces of hate speech on Instagram, including in DMs, 95 per cent of which we found before anyone reported it.

“We’re announcing that we’ll take tougher action when we become aware of people breaking our rules in DMs.

“Currently, when someone sends DMs that break our rules, we prohibit that person from sending any more messages for a set period of time. Now, if someone continues to send violating messages, we’ll disable their account. We’ll also disable new accounts created to get around our messaging restrictions, and will continue to disable accounts we find that are created purely to send abusive messages.”