Graeme Souness Hits Out at a Idiot United Fans

The former Liverpool and Scottish midfielder Graeme Souness was quick to point out the few idiots that come along with these mass demonstrations.

“Let’s not mess around, we’re all skirting around it, let’s be honest: someone has thrown a flair up to this stage today. If that had hit any one of us we’d be lying in a hospital permanently scared on one side of our face wherever it hit is,” Souness said during the Sky Sports’ coverage.

“So that isn’t a laughable situation. Someone threw a full can of beer at us. Again, that clips you in the wrong place, that might even kill you.

“So let’s not mess about, let’s not be tippy-tapping around the situation and the reality of it. That is unacceptable. Something has happened out there for this game to be postponed.

“Forget us. We’re used to it, the way you played, the way I played, we’re used to it. Shout as much abuse as you want.

“But that goes way beyond the acceptable. A lit flare! And if you care to take a camera down there [points beneath stage] you’ll see it’s hit the underneath of the stage we’re standing on and it’s then dropped off and burnt a great big hole in the tarpaulin down there.

“A flare – do you remember there was a kid killed by a flare down in Cardiff a few years ago. You can’t underplay it.