Gary Neville Doesn’t Buy the Welsh Excuse of Travel After Danish Hammering

The former Manchester United right wing back doesn’t buy the Welsh excuse from their defender Chris Gunter after the Welsh were knocked out by the Danish yesterday in Amsterdam. The Welsh did have to do a lot of travelling especially compared to Denmark in this tournament, but did that really play an effect in the Welsh getting well beaten by the Danish yesterday?

Gary Neville on the Welsh travel:

“It’s a little bit of an issue (the travel). I don’t think the first journey should count, to Azerbaijan, because you can go there a week before if you want to.

That first one is fine because you’re settled and are based their for two games. They’ve obviously done more since then.

I just thought they were well beaten. Denmark absolutely battered them in every single way.

You can point to excuses, I’ve done it myself with England in the past, but they were just so much better the Danish team.

It wasn’t just the travel factor that meant Wales were beaten yesterday. They were well beaten.”