🚨League of Ireland side with embarrassing post that they had to quickly delete 🤦🏻‍♂️

The Wicklow side made an absolute balls of congratulating one of their former players Festy Ebosele on being selected for the Irish squad that is due to take on New Zealand next month. The League of Ireland side put up a picture of Sinclair Armstrong instead of Festy Ebosele.

It was a picture that was quickly deleted but of course there were screenshots taken and the club is taking a hammering after their mistake..

MORE HERE: 🚨Wolves TikTok admin has no chill, as the Liverpool fans are cracking 😭

Damage has already been done unbelievable how it can happen the first time another one to add to the list on the last 2 years. Good luck to Festy in all seriousness doing really well at Udinese
Are you sure you got the right man this time ? Is it definitely not Richie dunne ?