Not a good day for the Taoiseach Simon Harris in county Mayo as the 37 year old was quite literally ran out of town by members of the Enoch Burke family, really disgraceful, see it below with some of the comments underneath ..
A canvass by Taoiseach Simon Harris in Castlebar, Co Mayo was interrupted by Enoch Burke’s family earlier today @IrishMirror
— Louise Burne (@louiseburne_) June 2, 2024
A second canvass with the Taoiseach Simon Harris and Maria Walsh in Westport has been interrupted by the Burkes…
Mr Harris and Ms Walsh were supposed to be canvassing at Westport Pride @IrishMirror
— Louise Burne (@louiseburne_) June 2, 2024
I’m no fan of Simon Harris but imagine the leader of any other country getting harassed like that. The police would have them rugby tackled to the ground in seconds. Disgraceful carry on. The more it’s allowed to happen the more it will continue
Not sure what use the Gardai are if they allow pushing and shoving to go on. Once they laid hands on Harris they should have had the cuffs out. In any other country they wouldn’t get away with it.
Does a Garda get hit in the back of the head there? Harris gets pushed. How are these clowns not arrested on the spot?
Is he doing a sprint through the town? Not a great look almost running away no matter how much a moonbeam the Burke person is
Can’t understand why the guards didn’t arrest this man , people can’t be allowed to intimidate others and get away with it .
Simon Harris came across as a gentleman.
Simon was on the stage . The first stage outa town
Not a fan Harris, Martin or Ryan or any of their ministers but this was neglected by the Garda of a serious type. That sort of close harassment should not be allowed.
3 or 4 days in jail warranted for the lot of them.
This needs to be stamped on heavely.
Great to see! Faggots out!
Simon Harris is a gentleman, and represents decency and respect. He has been voted in by the Irish people.These thugs should have been arrested.
Simon Harris was NOT voted in by the irish people he was crowned leader by fellow FGs, a cabal of failed ministers and TDs, we hve not had an election since 2020.Regarding the Gardai and arresting protesters the Gardai hve no problem attresting immigration protesters ‘OUTSIDE’ private property , strange the Gardai were not called in when student/Gaza protesters ‘INSIDE’ Trinity College blocking Long Hall, Book of Kells….
Some people just listen to RTE and you Noel seem well aware of what’s going on, hard to wake some people up. Simon Harris is where he is as no one wanted the losers job. Fact
Simon Harris was a student in DIT Aungier St, he did one year of a journalism course and walked at the age of 20….he has never had a job in his life but has a verey expensive house in Greystones🤔 …..yes Greystones which seens to be an refugee free zone along with Foxrock, Kiliney, Dalkey etc.Simon Harris at his maiden speech as taoiseach went off grid/lost the plot over a tricolour on the coffin of Pierce McCauley an IRA terrorist, but only two weeks ago Simon gave his tacit support to Hamas a terrorist blood thirsty bunch of loons in Gaza by recognising Palestine….
Time to brush up on your spelling Noel. What school did you go to?. You should be embarrassed to see this poor standard of schooling with your name appended. Go back to school – this should be a priority for you.
Incoherent nonsense Noel.
So true Rachel. Our government does what it pleases without our opinion or approval. We cannot call ourselves a true democracy anymore methinks ! 🤔
They want the money but don’t want the criticism, burke was well with in his rights to shout for his family. Very sad it had to come to this, I wonder if it was a different religion would it have come to this.. probably not.
Paddy Joe time to dress up on your manners, and don’t be so ignorant and snobby against Noel. What Noel says is more important than his spelling mistake’s. You would think you where a member of the F/G party, that will be ousted this coming June 7th.
God help the bourke family. Government should be ashamed of themselves
Are u for real he not helping the poeple in Ireland he need to go and the rest of the government
No he wasn’t voted in by the Irish citizens he was handed power unelected muppett why didn’t he answer the question
I’m no Simon Harris fan but this is a disgrace. One law in this country for one and another for the rest. Guards are a disgrace. Three men in jail for 15years for attacks on security men in roscommon was typical of irish law. Why were they treated so severely by irish state and these thugs not even arrested yesterday
This is disgraceful conduct. What are the Gardai doing,..standing by. These Burked should have been arrested. They are a menace.
Good enough for him hope its only the start of it these people have done a lot of damage to this country
Well done David, some thug you are.
Simon Harris was NOT voted in by the irish people he was crowned leader by fellow FGs, a cabal of failed ministers and TDs, we hve not had an election since 2020.Regarding the Gardai and arresting protesters the Gardai hve no problem attresting immigration protesters ‘OUTSIDE’ private property , strange the Gardai were not called in when student/Gaza protesters ‘INSIDE’ Trinity College blocking Long Hall, Book of Kells….
Just so you know, you half wit, no Taoiseach of ireland was ever voted in by the people of Ireland. The Dail elects the Taoiseach, as per our constitution.
The bourses have been through the courts and that’s the law of the land , Mr Harris can’t interfere in the law. What did Mr Biurke get when he went to court. Further more does all his family support him ?
The victim in this case is Enoch Burke. They got him for contempt of court but we all know the real reason.
Government and opposition support perversion.
Enoch Burke would not be in jail or have lost his job if he was a Muslim objecting to calling a LGBT student’they’.
Enoch Burke is not in jail for his religious beliefs. He is in jail because he refused to accept a ruling by the courts. His families behaviour at court hearings and now this, is an absolute disgrace.
How exactly does this work in peoples eyes, we refuse all laws and regulations that dont suit us and behave whatever way we want.
The only thing that will satisfy Enoch and his family is, he gets his job back, refuses to accept instructions from his employers, and behaves as he wants.
Maybe we should stone to death all members of the LGBTQ+. This would probably be a ceptable to his religious beliefs.
God made man & woman why should Enoch or anyone else be forced to say different
Let’s call a spade a spade the Burke family have been through a lot lately what with their son locked up for standing up for his beliefs It doesn’t matter whether you agree with him or not he lives by a principle and for that deserves to be admired I think his family have every right to protest in this great democracy that we supposedly live in.
Yes I agree with Niall, Enoch Burke is entitled to his beliefs …….. he has been put to jail for them and lost his job for them……….there’s only democracy here if you believe in what the government’s thinks …….after that you’re going to jail……..
98% of the people ate against the present immigration system, yet this stupid government continues on with it to appease Europe…….. some democracy. John A.