🚨Old Comment comes back to haunt Declan Rice ahead of Ireland vs England ..😬

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The former Ireland international Declan Rice is set to make win his 50th cap for England tonight against Belgium and Irish fans are still raging at how he played three times for the Republic and then left when England came calling ..

Can’t blame Rice to be fair, he is English, he just should have never played for the Republic ..

See the comment and what people think below ..

MORE HERE: 🚨People are concerned about one of the interviews Conor McGregor did for Roadhouse .. 😬

watching this first then the england video brought me to a level of anger and betrayal i can’t quite bring to words

good luck to him…doesnt sound Irish so to be fair he is probably english…

Im glad I never liked him. An untrustworthy slithering snake

Bastard took the soup

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