🚨 Conor McGregor spits in fan’s face after Khabib jibe

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Shocking footage has emerged of Conor McGregor and a Khabib fan.

The Irishman was involved in an unsavoury moment after another man in the video had shouted ‘Lets go Khabib’ in a reference to his former rival Khabib Nurmagomedov.

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You can watch the video below:

McGregor and Khabib have renewed fierce rivalry recently.

The pair fought in 2018 with Khabib dominating the contest en route to a win via a fourth round submission.

The recent fight between Usman Nurmagomedov and Paul Hughes this past weekend seems to have stirred up the old rivalry after Hughes showed respect towards Nurmagomedov saying that he’s “not like this other guy,” which most believe referred to McGregor.

McGregor didn’t take too kindly at the comments and attacked Hughes online.

Next up to feel the Irishman’s keyboard wrath was Khabib. In a now deleted post he wrote:

’15 minutes I done aldo 15 seconds.

Show yo wife nigga. Show yo kids nigga.

Cousin fuckin motherfuckin hidin motherfucker. Show us you and your cousins kids together because we have kids here in Ireland that wanna smoke them in competition. Are they competing or what are you saying Ireland vs Dagestan? Where’s your offspring, we cant wait to see them . The best of Dagestan offspring ? Dagestan, what do we think? Is this true ? Who’s next cos fatso with the coach whistle won’t fight. Who the fuck designated this fat bitch as master father? Certainly not his own father. Abdulmanap 🙏. And they all know it in Dagestan. Dagestan think you are pussy lips for retiring. Real Dagestan is forever. You are laughed at behind your back in Dagestan. Lazy you are, they say. Fight me and make a 100 million dollars and give it to the entire village of Dagestan! But you won’t, why? Fat lazy scared bitch. Lazy fasto.’

More Stories Conor McGregor Khabib Nurmagomedov mma ufc viral

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