🚨 British cage fighter teased over name he shares with famous celebrity admits he’s considered getting it changed

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A 21-year old cage fighter is a little fed up with his name.

He was born on 27 May 2003, and is named Taylor Swift, yep that must now be a tad awkward especially in a fight scenario.

To be fair to his parents the were not to know that there would be a huge star with the same name.

Speaking to The Sun he said: “Even at weigh-ins, people start laughing.

“The worst part is when the announcer is reading out the names before a fight.

“People ask if I’m serious when I tell them my name. It gets a laugh when I’m going through airport security and on the door at clubs.”

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Taylor Swift the MMA fighter. (Credit: @lewisjamesphelps)

Speaking about the famous name, he admitted it will have its benefits: “The name will help. A big part of the sport is about social media and sales,” adding that ‘everything helps’ as making it professional in the sport is easier said than done.”

The amateur fighter has a respectable record record of 3-1-0 so far and has built up a following of 1500 fans on Instagram including some “Swifties” who have discovered his profile by accident.

Good luck to him as he moves up the charts  rankings…

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